Anglo-American philosopher and mathematician, Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) has long been regarded as one of the major philosophers of the twentieth century; nevertheless, with the exception of proponents of process philosophy (process metaphysics), his speculative philosophy of organism fell out of favor with the ascendance of more (or very differently) linguistically-oriented analytic and continental philosophies int he 1950s and 1960s. For several reasons the past decade has witnessed a rekindling of interest in Whitehead's elaborate account of the complexly imbricated operations of mental and physical processes.
This is the inaugural event of Distributed Whitehead Network and will feature a panel focusing on essays by Isabelle Stengers ("Whitehead's Account of the Sixth Day") and respondents Richard Rorty and Donna Haraway.
In addition to the live session, a webcast will provide an opportunity for individuals around the globe to participate. Please see the website for additional information.
Added by julcheng on March 17, 2006