329 S Park St
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007

Is there something wrong with 9-year-old Jesse? The youngster is easily distracted. But so are his Mother and Father. He raps, he swears, he's in trouble at school. He is just too much. His distraught mother turns to the internet, professionals and even well meaning neighbors seeking help. Some say the problem is Attention Deficit Disorder; others blame allergies or chemicals in the food or just bad parenting. As her world unravels, the young boy's mother wrestles with the agonizing choice of whether or not to medicate her child. All the while facing the multi-tasking madness of her own "modern life". Where will she find the answer? With her provocative sense of humor, award-winning playwright Lisa Loomer gives us a new play that asks: "Are we so tuned in to our CNN sound bite world that we've tuned out the things that really matter?" Contains Strong Language and is not recommended for younger audiences.

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 27, 2011