Disruptive Social Innovators | Episode 7
Creating and maintaining truly systemic social change is the toughest of challenges. To help us up our game, we organise a regular meet-up for disruptive innovators, investors, and thinkers committed to revolutionary social innovation. When creating the next wave, it doesn’t help much to look back at old models and out-of-date practice. Instead we want to learn directly from each other, while setting the precedents of the future. So we’re looking for stories from the front line, from those who are creating a radically better world. This is not about a bit better; it’s about a lot better. We connect to share convention-busting tools and building a community of empathy and energy. Come join us on Facebook. Our next episode is from 6-8pm, 2nd October 2008 at The Window, 13 Windsor Street, Islington, N1 8QG. This time around a member of the community will
be sharing tried and tested tricks for re-designing business models through visualisation. If you can ‘see it’, you can more easily innovate it. We’ll
hear from entrepreneurs working on the problem of homelessness, and visually explore how their business model for care provision can be disrupted. There will be plenty of time for discussing innovation techniques and for networking. Let us know if you can make it at info@thedisruptors.net. Please bring £5 for nibbles, juice and wine. Many thanks to Aspire Foundation and The Window for their support.
Official Website: http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=175057500000&ref=ts
Added by ericagrigg on September 8, 2008