Mediation is a Dispute Resolution Methodology where a third party neutral helps people in conflict engage in collaborative problem-solving instead of the usual escalatory and confrontational behaviour. This win-win approach happens through listening and non violent communication, assisted by the mediator who empowers the parties and helps them reach their own solution to their conflict. Applications range from family, youth, community mediation, to neighbourhood, housing, workplace and commercial mediation. The Dispute Mediation Course is an excellent opportunity for you to learn active skills in dealing with disputes as a neutral mediator. The course will provide participants with the basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to start practicing as trainee mediators. Meta-Culture Dialogics will be available to provide interested participants with ongoing skill building and practice sessions. The program will be completely interactive and trainees will be able to explore the connection between this program and their professional or personal needs. They will receive individual support and feedback from the trainers. Towards the end of the program, remaining questions and challenges will be addressed in order to prepare participants for their practice as apprentice mediators. For details contact 9945207719. Email:
Entry: Paid
Ticketing: Course fees Rs. 6000/- [inclusive of material, lunch for 4 days and delivery fees] and can also be submitted in the form of cheques payable to Meta-Culture Dialogics.
Added by uhaigak on April 16, 2009