On this walk you will discover one of Boston's most delightful neighborhoods. The Flat of Beacon Hill is built on 19th century made-land along the Charles River. The Flat is geologically part of Back Bay and culturally park of Beacon Hill, with the architecture of both.
This intimate patch of real estate soon acquired carriage houses and horse stables owned by the wealthy families living on Beacon Hill. Today, many of these houses have been converted into charming residences that seamlessly blend among notable landmarks such as the Charles Street Meeting House, the Church of the Advent, and the Sunflower Castle.
What do Sam Mayday Malone, a private-eye named Spenser, a Fox Terrier named Igloo, and seven strangers on a reality show have in common? They all know the Flat is where it's at!
The tour starts promptly at noon from outside the Charles/MGH T Station. Tickets are $12 (free for all Boston By Foot members). Please dress warm!
Official Website: http://www.bostonbyfoot.org/
Added by tjcoppet on November 26, 2008