During the last few days, headlines of prominent sub-prime lenders going under* are everywhere. What are the implications of the demise of these sub-prime lenders and the coming adjustment of many adjustable rate mortgages? What underlying causes have triggered this fall? What is the real-estate market outlook over the next three years? What opportunities are available and what type of investments are best avoided? Could this crisis be turned into one of the best value investment environments?
Edwin Yeh, an expert in distressed mortgage industry, and his partners will speak about them in our next seminar. The speakers will also share their opinions of what opportunities may be available to professional investors through NREI Club will be discussed. Also included in the talk, Edwin will provide educational background materials about the eco-system of NPL (non-performing loan) industry: note buyer, note broker, note seller, workout specialists, pre-foreclosure and pre-REO buy/sell investment, partnership, joint venture, and foreclosure-reit.com.
Lines of credit can be the difference between a real estate mogul and a small-time investor! Imagine what you can do with an extra $100,000 line of credit, $300,000 line of credit, or even a $5,000,000 line of credit! We are talking about credit that does not necessarily show up on your personal credit report!!
Come learn the secrets of credit - how to have impeccable credit and have access to hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal and business credit. Learn about how to tap into business credit that does not show up on your personal credit report!
This evening seminar is complemented by the 2-day weekend bootcamp Saturday and Sunday April 7th and 8th. Seating is limited. Please pre-register and show up on time to ensure your seat. This event is FREE if you register online at NREIClub.com or call (925) 846-2582.
Non-registered guests at the door will be $25 per individual.
Event will take place:
Wednesday April 4th, 2007
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Four Points Pleasanton
5115 Hopyard Road
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Tel: (925) 460-8800
Official Website: http://nreiclub.com
Added by nreiclub on March 23, 2007