610 S Maple Ave
Oak Park, Illinois 60304

Are you tired of ineffective time-outs and advice that is too harsh or permissive? Join like-minded parents dealing with the same struggles at “Discipline Redefined,” a seminar from Smart Love Family Services. Hear from professionals at Smart Love about “loving regulation,” an effective approach that allows parents to use their head while following their heart, without resorting to harsh or permissive alternatives. This approach is universally effective for children of all ages:

Infants: When babies start to crawl they reach for things that can harm them. Learn how to keep them safe without dampening their curiosity and zest for learning.

Toddlers: Toddlers’ favorite word is “no”. Learn why it’s a positive force. Smart Love experts will show you how to stay in charge of your child and manage behavior without negative consequences.

School Age: Learn what really works when kids are struggling to adapt to preschool or refusing to do their homework. Help your child discover a love of learning.

Advanced registration is required. Sign up today by calling 773.665.8052 or register online at http://www.smartlovefamily.org

Official Website: http://www.smartlovefamily.org

Added by Winger 45 on September 11, 2012