8501 Bash St, Suite 600
Indianapolis, Indiana 46250

This event page contains information about TWO events offered back-to-back. AttendBOTH events to receive DISC TrainerCertification.

Learn More...
If you want to learn more about the DISC model and you do not want certification to teach the model, you may register for only the first two days (June 8 and 9, 2009).

Get Certified to Teach...
If you want to receive accreditation as a DISC Training Provider and you have previously attended DISC Behavioral Studies, you may attend the second two days (June 10 and 11, 2009) to complete your coursework for accredittion.
If you have not previously attended an Insights Institute Behavioral Studies program and you want to receive accreditation as a DISC Training Provider, you will receive an immediate $200 savings by purchasing both event tickets at the same time using the combined ticket option above.

Are you already certified through Insights Institute?
Come to this training for a refresher. Call for details: (765-794-4708) or send an email to guy.harris@principledriven.com

Course 1: DISC Behavioral Studies Training (First 2 days)
Location: Indianapolis, IndianaDescription: Two-day training session for people who want to discover and experience the DISC model of human behaviour.Start Date: June 8, 2009Start Time: 8:00End Date: June 9, 2009End Time: 17:00
Thats our training philosopy.
First, you discover the DISC model of human behavior. You learn to understand the ins and outs of this approach to describing different personality styles. With this understanding, you can understand and discuss behaviors in objective and descriptive terms rather than subjective and judgmental terms.
Then you experience the power of the model for developing better understanding of yourself and others. This understanding, gives you the knowledge to apply the DISC model in practical, real-life situations. You can use your knowledge of the DISC model in:

Public Speaking
Anywhere you work and interact with other people!

All of our training programs build on the Ultimate Discovery System approach to building strong relationships and improving communication skills.
If you are really excited about the DISC model you can continue your learning with Advanced DISC Behavioral Studies.
This course is a pre-requisite for taking Behavioral Studies Train-the-trainer.
Day one - $595Two days - $895

Course 2: DISC Behavioral Studies Train-the-trainer (Second 2 days)
Location: Indianapolis, IndianaDescription: Two-day Behavioral Studies Train-the-trainer program. Become accredited as a Behavioral Studies Training Provider.Start Date: June 10, 2009Start Time: 8:00End Date: June 11, 2009End Time: 17:00
This is the course for people who either want to develop in-house training programs for their organization or to build a speaking and training business teaching others to apply the DISC Model of Human Behavior.
Completion of this course and DISC Behavioral Studies allows you to pursue accreditation as an Ultimate Discovery System DISC Behavioral Studies Training Provider. After completing this course, you will gain access to the Behavioral Studies training resources so that you can use them in your organization or with your clients.
Two days - $1295

Save Money! Register for both DISC Behavioral Studies Training and DISC Behavioral Studies Train-the-trainer, and you will immediately receive a $200 discount.*

Organized by Principle Driven Consulting
Principle Driven Consulting specializes in team conflict resolution, leadership and team building for organizations of all sizes.
We offer training, executive coaching, consulting, and speaking services.
Check our Resolving Conflict in Teams Blog or our website to learn more about us.

Ticket Info:  
  • DISC Trainer Certification, $1,990.00
  • DISC Trainer Certification - Second person, same organization, $1,490.00
  • DISC Behavioral Studies - Attend first 2 days only., $895.00
  • Second Person - Same Organization - Attend first 2 days only, $695.00
  • First Day Only, $595.00
  • Registration Deposit, $500.00

Official Website: http://discjune09-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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