2201 Cesar Chavez Ln
Boise, Idaho 83725

If you don't want to see this show because it is "One of the liveliest, funniest, best-performed musicals in years!"(New York Post), then see it because the money helps pay for our grandmother's plastic surgery.
Set on the glorious, glamorous Riviera, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is a delicious comedy that follows two con artists as they take on the lifestyle of the rich and shameless - and end up with a lot more than they bargain for.

1/9/09 @ 8pm
1/10/09 @ 2pm & 8pm

Official Website: http://newspaceentertainment.com/boise/dirtyrottenscoundrels/?utm_source=Upcoming_BoiseDRS&utm_medium=Grassroots&utm_campaign=BoiseDRS

Added by PowderHound Marketing on November 18, 2008