Underground crew Tasty brings it above ground to the Lookout for their new monthly party DIRTY DISHES, pulling together their patented blend of hot beats, tasty eats, and the coolest peeps.
Resident DJs Gordon Gartrell and B-Haul serve up the dirtiest indieelectrofunkatechbootybasshop party jams for your dancing pleasure.
And leave the cooking to us, cause every month Dirty Dishes will be bringing in SF's best FOOD CARTS to delight the tastebuds. Come hungry and ready to rock!
The Lookout
16th & Market
9PM till you drop
DIrty Dishes DJs Gordon Gartrell & B-Haul for your dancing delight
Featuring Culinary Curator Christian's handpicked Food Carts:
The Gumbo Cart (http://twitter.com/GumboCart) - "My suggestion is to find this guy, hunt him down, tackle him, and ask him to make you a nice warm bowl of gumbo."
Adobo Hobos (twitter.com/AdoboHobo) - "Adobo Hobo made me miss my grandma. The adobo was almost perfect. Although I only had a small bowl, the flavors were all there. Garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, peppercorn & bay leaves, Oh My!!"
Mission Minis (http://missionminis.com) - "If you want to win my favor, just present me with a fresh-baked, home-made, cute mini Mexican chocolate cupcake. My love for you is instant."
Official Website: http://dirty-dishes.vox.com
Added by dbraller on February 2, 2010