Event @ the World Affairs Council, 05/28
“Diplomatically Speaking—What Does the World Expect of the United States?”
Who: The Honorable Mauricio Eduardo Cortes Costa,Consul General, Republic of Brazil; The Honorable Abderahman Salaheldin, Consul General, Arab Republic of Egypt; The Honorable Rolf; Schütte, Consul General, Federal Republic of Germany; The Honorable B.S. Prakash, Consul General, Republic of India
Event: As the United States enters the final six months before November‚ presidential elections, what does the rest of the world anticipate from the next administration in Washington? How is the U.S. viewed from abroad, and is its foreign policy meeting the expectations of the world? The Consul Generals of Brazil, Egypt, Germany, and India join the Council to offer four regional perspectives on how the U.S. is perceived internationally and what opportunities will come with new leadership in the White House.
When: Wednesday, May 28; Registration: 5:30pm; Program: 6:00pm.
Where: World Affairs Council, 2nd Floor Auditorium, 312 Sutter St. San Francisco
Admission Costs: Council Members: Free, Students: $5, Nonmembers: $15
Info: 415.293.4600; info@wacsf.org
Official Website: http://www.itsyourworld.org/
Added by wacsf on April 25, 2008