96 Lafayette
New York, New York 10013

Dion Roy will be performing on Thursday Sept. 17th during the 2009 M.E.A.N.Y. Fest kick-off event at Santos Party House in NYC.

His show will start at 8:30PM and advance tickets can be purchased at the Santos Party House website at www.santospartyhouse.com or directly through Ticket Web at http://bit.ly/od4Nc

Dion Roy is an emerging artist on the indie music scene, fusing his electro-acoustic roots with his knack for writing an unforgettable pop/rock hook. This talented NYC singer/songwriter released a debut album "Gallery" in the summer of 2009, to rave reviews. Visit his official site http://www.dionroy.com for more info.

Phone: 212.584.5492
Email: dionroymusic@amp3pr.com

Official Website: http://www.dionroy.com

Added by AMP3 PR on August 25, 2009

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