Dinosaurs of Improv bring improvised mayhem and hilarity, led by the people still doing this kind of improv together without killing each other. The Dinosaurs include Diane Amos (the Pine-Sol Lady), Michael Bossier (founding member of the Comedy Store Players), Bill Bonham (the original Round Table Pizza spokesman), Dick Bright (leader of SRO Orchestra), Jim Cranna (The Committee), Debi Durst (member of every improv group in the Bay Area since 1979), Judi Nihei (The Committee). Chris Pray (The Wing and NBC’s original puppeteer for Buster and Me program) and Dan Spencer (former member of Uncle Stinky’s Dipsy Doodle Review).
Official Website: http://www.142throckmortontheatre.org
Added by cmargaritafranco on March 24, 2011