Event Name Dinner with Marco Polo
Dates March 19 2007
City Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Location Arts and Letters Club
Website www.artsandlettersclub.ca
Main Body Join architect, historian and writer Marco Polo for a digital slide presentation of some of the projects of the 17 Canadian Prix de Rome laureates featured in the book The Prix de Rome in Architecture: A Retrospective. Thirty or so years ago, architecture changed. A strong desire to explore the artistic and humanistic side of the practice pushed it onto paper and into installations; “paper architecture” became the locus for the avant-garde. In recognition of this, the Canada Council for the Arts established the Prix de Rome in Architecture. Edited by Marco Polo, the book is a full-colour overview of the work of 17 Prix de Rome laureates, with extensive photos and illustrations, text by the laureates themselves and in-depth essays by respected architecture writers Gary Michael Dault, Daniel M. Millette and Marco Polo. Laureates include John Shnier, Jacques Rousseau, Sophie Charlebois, Hal Ingberg, Dereck Revington, John McMinn, Hal Ingberg, Anthony Robins, Philip Beesley, Philippe Lupien, Pierre Thibault, Atelier Big City, Peter Yeadon, Jason King and George Yu, Atelier In Situ, and Andrew King.
Schedule The bar opens at 5:30pm, and dinner is at 6:30pm. Please reserve with Margaret Logan at margaretlogan@rogers.com.
Fees The cost is $18.50, and there is a cash bar.
Additional Info Marco Polo is a registered architect and an Assistant Professor in Ryerson’s Department of Architectural Science, where his teaching focus is in architecture theory, architectural writing and design studio. He has written extensively on architecture and has served as the editor of Canadian Architect. His research, which concerns the history, theory and criticism of Canadian modern architecture, has been recognized with the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Science Research Excellence Award for 2005/2006.
Official Website: http://www.artsandlettersclub.ca
Added by cwhardwi on March 16, 2007