6150 Sunbury Rd
Westerville, Ohio 43081

If you don't play cards just stop out have dinner and socialize!

Each player is partnered with every other player over the course of the night. There will be one to four tables playing at the same time, depending on the number of people in attendance. After eight hands are played, everybody writes down the number of points that their team scored, then switches partners. Repeat until all of the players have been paired with each of the others once. Everybody adds up the number of points they scored throughout the night, the SINGLE PERSON with the most points wins.

Eight people should take about two hours to play.

Every multiple of sixteen players that we have we will start a new tournament.

Official Website: http://myvirtualsociety.com/browse_events.php

Added by jimm_crawford on May 13, 2010



Can't wait Jimm and Beth!