Dine and Dance Downtown
Eight Friends Out Progressive Dinner
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Join Eight Friends Out for the first Progressive Dinner of ’08! We will be downtown all evening, for 3 courses at 3 different venues and we’ll end the evening with live music and dancing. We'll begin the night at Birraporetti's on 500 Louisiana St, which will give everyone a chance to park in the Alley garage for only $5. Then enjoy complimentary of hor d'oeuvres and then stroll down the street to Little Napoli. Little Napoli is one of Houston's small, cool, Italian restaurants where local talent often just drop in to play a few songs. After dinner we head down to Timpano for live music and delicious desserts. EFO Progressives are always a hit and guests are invited too. Sign up early so you won’t miss out on this epic evening – see you there!
Members $55, Guests $65. For more information or to RSVP, visit www.EightFriendsOut.com, call 281-870-0827, or email Kelly@EightFriendsOut.com
Official Website: http://www.EightFriendsOut.com
Added by houstonsingle on March 5, 2008