Digital Video Expo 2009 is your best resource for up-to-date information and expert professional advice on the latest advancements in creating, managing and distributing HD content.
Join thousands of Southern California's digital content professionals for three days of informative and idea-generating conference sessions and hands-on training, top industry exhibits showcasing the latest content creation and distribution technology and networking events that give attendees the opportunity to connect with members of the production community’s most prestigious associations.
Offering attendees over 45 conference sessions including tracks on tapeless production, 3D production, and web video, as well training sessions such as the RED Boot Camp, Digital Camera Supersession, and Lighting Workshop, events featuring leading creative professionals, Apple training and certification, and after-hours association meetings, Digital Video Expo is the one-stop training and networking event designed for YOU. You’ll walk away with tools and techniques you can put to use tomorrow and professional connections which could mean partnerships, projects and prospective work later on!
New this year is the Broadcast Symposium West, an educational track from the editors of TV Technology magazine focused on file-based workflows, HD news production, multi-platform distribution AND MUCH MORE.
More Education! More Technology! More Networking Opportunities!
Official Website:
Added by mrosenstock on April 6, 2009