Cosponsored by EFF-Austin and the Digital Convergence Initiative.
DRM. What does it mean to you ? A segment of technology ? A key to economic success ? A contest of wills ? In this talk, Don will cover a full range of fundamental points on which some consensus agreement can be built. As part of this discussion, we will identify some crossed arguments, misunderstandings and miscommunication that serve more to inflame than inform when propelled through popular discourse. We will wrap up with a discussion of promoting two helpful concepts, "Explicit Fair Use" and "Explicit Choice". This talk will provide a preview to some of the material Don will be presenting the following week at the conference of the Licensing Executive Society, in New York "Satisficing and Copyright in the NEW Digital Age".
Don Jarrell, founder of Digital Thinking Inc., has worked in licensing and intellectual property matters for over 25 years, in the operations and transactions
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Added by jonl on August 12, 2006