Differences Between
Men & Women
A thought provoking interactive workshop for women on the difference between men and women.
The workshop will be led by Sharon Landis, owner of Toronto area matchmaking service, Mati's Matches. Topics include: male vs female ego; complexities ofobjectifying; child rearing; fighting; dating and more.
"As a matchmaker, I frequently experience new levels of surpriseat how men and women differ; it canseem that men and womentravel in different universes. Join me on March 29 to share in thisintriguing discussion."
$15 in advance, $20 at the door (GST included)
More information? Call 416-253-9492 or email
info@matismatches.comOrganized by Mati's MatchesSharon Landis, a Torontoarea matchmaker, is the owner of Mati's Matches.
Ticket Info: March 29, 2009, C$15.99
Official Website: http://dif29mar09-upcoming.eventbrite.com