840 Brannan
San Francisco, California 94103

Internationally known avalanche instructor and consultant Dick Penniman has taught avalanche safety courses for the National Avalanche School, the Alaska Avalanche School, the American Avalanche Institute and several mountain colleges. Join Dick here at REI for a lively and informative slide lecture and video presentation on the fundamentals: avalanche phenomena, meteorology, snowpack formation, route selection, stability evaluation and rescue techniques. Lecture fee: $20; payment may be made to Dick at the lecture. For more information, email Dick at dpenniman@snowbridge.org.

Official Website: http://www.rei.com/stores/store_event_detail.jsp?pid=EE992D7322983F8EADEF4ADDA6F1D486&template_id=30&template_family=webDetail&ignore_cache=1

Added by kentgoldman on January 16, 2008

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