2200 Parish Dr
Walnut Creek, California 94598

Our November 15 general meeting will feature one of our all-time favorite vendors, Avery Products, who always seems to come armed with a ton of goodies to give away. The holiday season is approaching and Avery manufactures all sorts of products that are particularly useful at holiday time.

Avery DesignPro is software that is free and is used to create not just labels, but such things as business cards and GREETING CARDS. This software is replete with zillions of graphics that you can freely use in creating your personal holiday cards. Moreover, you can use this software for other purposes as well. Various holidays, business communications, forms, invitations, etc., are all easily created using DesignPro and then your very own printer. I am hoping that our speaker will come armed with a supply of CDs for distribution to those who attend the November meeting.

So come and enjoy yourselves, learn about Avery products and either get a copy of DesignPro or learn how to download it. We all love FREE!

Official Website: http://www.dvmug.org/

Added by dvmug on October 26, 2011

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