Please join us this Saturday morning for a Dharma talk by Rev. Cynthia Kear.
Cynthia received Jukai from SFZC Abbot Paul Haller and priest ordination by Darlene Cohen, her heart and root teacher. In 2010, Darlene gave her Dharma Transmission. Cynthia graduated from the Shokagu Zen Institute, a three year Zen seminary training program. She is the founding member of the Wild Geese Sangha and She leads the Upstairs Sangha, a study group and co-leads the Women’s Meditation & Recovery Sangha which meets monthly at Hartford Street Zen Center.
Meditation instruction at 8:30 am. Zazen (seated meditation) is at 9:25 am as usual, with the talk at 10:15, and refreshments upstairs afterwards. Please feel free to join us for all or part of our weekly Saturday program.
Added by Hartford Street Zen Center on October 26, 2012