909 Hidden Ridge, Ste. 575
Irving, Texas 75038

Presentation Overview:
On any website, visitors drop out of the site's particular "conversion funnel" at different points for different reasons. Usability Sciences' analytical framework provides the site owner with a clear picture of the "who, where, and why" of visit failure. We then produce recommendations to rectify the problems at their root. The presentation will take attendees through the process we utilize to deliver these results.

Usability Sciences
Two MacArthur Ridge
909 Hidden Ridge, Suite 575
Irving, TX 75038

Directions: http://www.usabilitysciences.com/contact-us/locations/

**SPACE LIMITED for this meeting -- please RSVP here @ upcoming.org -or- dfwupa@gmail.com

5:45 Doors Open (secured building, elevators lock at 6:00pm and require an escort)
Light snacks provided by hosts
6:00 Business, Introduction of 2008 Officer Candidates
6:30 Presentation, Roger Beynon, Chief Strategy Officer
Lab tour after presentation

Official Website: http://dfw-upa.org/

Added by conej on January 16, 2008