320 Coit Road
Plano, TX, Texas

DFW UPA presents:

Confessions of a Design Therapist
Speaker: Norm Cox
When: Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Place: Central Market, Plano in the Community Room B upstairs.
320 Coit Road, Plano, TX
Time: 5:45 - 6:30 grab something to eat downstairs and we'll
visit and network.
6:30 - Introduction of new officers
6:35 - Norm Cox

UPA TOPIC: Confessions of a Design Therapist: As a
25-year consultant in design for usability, Norm will
share his insights, observations and war stories from
his rich, Forrest Gump-esque career. Topics will
include the design of the first GUI (Xerox Star),
touring with Tufte, Apple v. Microsoft lawsuit, and
pizza design.

BIOGRAPHY: Norm Cox is co-founder and principal of
Cox&Hall, a UI design consultancy in Colleyville,
Texas. Educated in Architecture and Design at
Louisiana State University, he began his career in
design at Xerox's famed Palo Alto Research Center
(PARC) in the late '70s as the visual designer for the
Xerox "Star". This seminal personal workstation
ignited a revolution in "user friendly" human-computer
interaction by pioneering such ubiquitous technologies
as the graphical user interface, bitmapped displays,
icons, mouse, email, Ethernet networking, WYSIWYG
editing, etc.

As a result of the industry-wide adoption of this
visually rich interface, Norm began his consulting
practice in 1982 to expand his knowledge talents,
experience and influence in this budding field of
computer-human interaction design. For the past 25
years he has been designer, consultant, evangelist,
mentor and therapist for dozens of leading edge
domestic and international clients. Projects have
spanned a broad range of industries from software,
medical, telecommunications, retail, pharmaceuticals,
operating systems, industrial automation and

He is named as inventor on 29 patents related to
interaction design for Xerox, IBM and Sun
Microsystems, and has won numerous awards for UI
design, as well as traditional graphic design and
illustration. He has juried international product
design competitions, lectured extensively on design
and usability, and has been an expert witness in
copyright infringement litigations, including the
infamous Apple v. Microsoft lawsuit of the early '90s.

Additionally, he volunteers his time by serving on the
Board of Trustees of Covenant Christian Academy, and
Fort Worth's "Second Chance Furniture Bank".

SAVE THE DATE for Thursday, May 3, for the STC-UPA
joint meeting with Janice "Ginny" Reddish who will
address the topic:
Creating Usable and Accessible Web Content: What
Research from Several Fields Tells Us

Crowne Plaza, Addison TX
Register on the STC web site:
by Monday, April 30 at 5 pm

: : : DFW Usability Professionals' Association
: : : dfwupa@yahoo.com

Added by conej on April 10, 2007