Special DFNYC Linkup FRIDAY 10th October.
Join us in Manhattan to Write Letters for Obama!
We will be writing letters to progressive Democrats in swing states asking them to volunteer for Obama!
Several key swing states will determine who wins this election. Democracy for America (the organization started by Gov. Howard Dean after his presidential campaign) has members all across the country. We have lsts from DFA of their members in swing states, so we will be writing handwritten letters to these DFAers encouraging them to join Obama's "Neighbor to Neighbor" program, http://barackobama.com/n2n.
We will provide letter writing materials for you and sample letters.
Lower East Side/East Village, Manhattan - 6:30pm, upstairs at Whole Foods, 95 East Houston Street at Bowery (1 block west of 2nd Ave), with hosts Carlos Dennis and Tracey Denton. There is a seating area upstairs, and the store has an elevator that is wheelchair accessible. Subway: F/V to 2nd Ave & Houston.
Official Website: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gs59kp
Added by MyBO on October 8, 2008