DFEY-NW (Digital Freedom in Education & Youth - North West) is a group aiming to provide a social space for young people interested in technology, issues of freedom and technology in relation to education.
Saturday August 15th 2009 12:00pm -> ~3:30pm
Because the venue is not amazingly easy to find, we'll meet at Piccadilly station and we'll walk over there (it's about 5minutes on foot).
Meet on the seats between platforms 1 and 2 in the main concourse.
Look for people with laptops and perhaps some funky DFEY signs. :P
Substance.coop offices, Northern Quarter
(the guys who helped us get to the "2morro festival")
if you are thinking of attending please add your name to the wiki page
or feel free to email us on team@nw.dfey.org to let us know you are
Young Rewired State
Many people from DFEY will be attending Young Rewired State - an event about building stuff using government data.
It's being held at Google HQ in London on the 22nd and 23rd August 2009 and there will some assistance with travel and accommodation for those wishing to attend!
Please add your name to the DFEY wiki page:
http://dfey.org/wiki/London,_August_2009 and/or email team@dfey.org
To find out more about the event visit:
From the website:
"How about we give you Google's offices in the heart of London, technology and a tonne of the country's best programmers and hackers to help and teach you along the way? We'll also give you food and drink to keep you going.
If so, and you're aged between 15 and 18, we'd love you to come to our free weekend to see what you can come up with. We think we're all in for a big surprise."
In case you need it, here's some contact information:
Tim's mobile: 07922334403
Email: team@nw.dfey.org
DFEY-NW Community:
Mailing list:
#dfey on irc.freenode.net
Identi.ca & Twitter:
#dfey & #dfeynw
Official Website: http://dfey.org/wiki/Manchester,_August_2009
Added by tdobson on August 9, 2009