Mar 25-26, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. both days
An original production of Flamenco, theatre and dance featuring choreography/concept/design by Danica Sena and Emilio Ochando from Spain together with special guest artist Tyler Knowlin (Tap Dance)
Based on traditional Flamenco, new trends and a fusion of styles, "DeZeroA Cien" features the clear convergence of these three elements. Passing through "Siguiriya and Solea" to "Fandangos, Tanguillos and Tap" we hope to share yet another collaboration of love and pure enjoyment with our audience.
Basandonos en la tradicion del flamenco, las nuevas tendencias y la fusion se ha creado un espectaculo original donde se siente cada parte de esos tres elementos. Desde Siguiriya y solea pasando por fandangos, tanguillos y claque queremos que el publico disfrute y ame a traves de nuestro sueno.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 17, 2011