801 California Street
Mountain View, California 94041

The DevOps Toolchain project is a community-driven effort to organize and discuss methodologies and successful toolchains that support the development to operations lifecycle. The project takes input from adhoc work between open source projects, custom work inside large enterprises, and product suites designed by commercial tools vendors and provides a forum for discussing and refining the resulting toolchains. This presentation will discuss the recent progress made by the project, emerging areas of interest, and how you can contribute to or benefit from the project. http://code.google.com/p/devops-toolchain/

Alex Honor is the founder of the ControlTier open source automation project. Has been involved in the development and management of large scale online systems for over 15 years, including critical roles at E*TRADE, NASA Ames Research, Open Design, and DTO Solutions. He is a frequent speaker at regional user group meetings on issues of system scalability and deployment automation.

Official Website: http://opscamp.org/siliconvalley

Added by OpsCamp on June 30, 2010

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