Hotel Le Meridien, Sankey Road,
Bangalore, Karnataka

DevOps is an ICT management concept that improves the interaction between development and operation activities within an enterprise./
There is no doubt that DevOps is a hot topic right now – its potential has reached boardroom agendas and organisations are investigating how to take advantage of this.

Benefits of Attending
This summit provides guidance in:

-Support Agile development /increase
-Support frequent software releases and the quality of their deployment
-Automation of Configuration Management tasks
-Support virtualization and the CloudImprove collaboration in strategic planning
-Improve visibility into IT processes

The DevOps Summit 2012 will help you in three ways:

-it provides clarification and understanding of DevOps and related terminology and where it fits with regard to other parts an the organisations and other ways of working
-pragmatic advice, guidance and a roadmap to implement a DevOps strategy within your own organisation
-you can meet and share experiences with other professionals from organisations facing similar challenges and meet -with professionals and companies who can offer services and solutions.

For registration Please call Mr. Ritesh 9538878798 or mail at

Official Website:

Added by Sandhya Gupta on June 28, 2012