685 Washington Street
Norwood, Massachusetts 02062

Devlin Miles is causing a ruckus with her Sarah McLachlan, Bonnie Raitt, Sugarland concoction in the clubs of New York City. She has toured the Northeast region, including Canada. 2011 has brought a lot of great growth opportunities for Devlin as she has toured southern CA and is currently on her “Steamy Summer Tour” of Six Flags in the Northeast and is gearing up for her Falcon Ridge Folk Festival showcase appearance. She was recently selected the winner of the Regional Subway Fresh Artist on Ourstage.com by Clear Channel and Mtv affiliates for her song “You & Me”. An accomplished songwriter, who has won accolades for her song "The Camera Fades" regarding 9/11 and for “This Guy”, which received an honorary mention by the Billboard World Song Contest. Autumn’s Fires, her latest release has been gathering momentum as she directly reaches out to fans on a much more intimate level as she sings about love, loss, and derelicts.

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/perkscoffeehouse

Added by bradyperks on November 27, 2011

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