DevHouse Pittsburgh is an event patterned on SuperHappyDevHouse. We aim to become the premier Pittsburgh-area hackathon event that combines serious and not-so-serious productivity with a fun and exciting party atmosphere. Come to the DevHouse to have fun and get things done!
We're about rapid development, ad-hoc collaboration, and cross pollination. Whether you're a l33t hax0r, hardcore coder, or passionate designer, if you enjoy software and technology development, DevHouse Pittsburgh is for you.
DevHouse is not a marketing event. It's a non-exclusive event intended for passionate and creative technical and design people that want to have some fun, learn new things, and meet new people.
DevHouse Pittsburgh #1
When: Thursday, November 8, 2007, 6pm - midnight
Where: Rivers Club, One Oxford Centre, 301 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA
(The Rivers Club is on the 4th floor. An entrance to the club is located on level 4 of the One Oxford Center parking garage.)
Food and beverages will be provided.
Official Website:
Added by sjs382 on November 5, 2007