When it come to pricing new products and services, many technology companies favor "intuitive pricing" or treat pricing as an afterthought. They create pricing plans that confuse customers and salespeople, act as barriers to the sales process, are misaligned with competitors, or fail to convey the value of the offering. In short, most technology pricing at early and midrange enterprises completely fails to maximize revenue and market position. While some debate exists as to whether pricing is art or science, clearly market leaders and other successful companies are leveraging systematic approaches and techniques to set winning pricing strategies.
Join us on August 28th for the informative, half-day marketing workshop intensive where pricing expert, Dan Lofgren, will leverage his 20 years experience with technology companies and extensive course work in game theory, economics and statistics at Yale University, to help you develop a successful pricing strategy.
Workshop topics include:
Avoiding the most common pricing mistakes
Leveraging value-based pricing practices for sustained competitive advantage
How to price against competitors and in select competitive situations
Evolving pricing strategies over time
Aligning pricing with marketing and product development
Understanding your buyer's perception of your pricing
How to test your pricing strategy with success and accuracy
Determining if new pricing plans such as subscription-based pricing are right for your offering
Migrating old pricing into new compelling ones
$35 Market4Demand MESE E-List Subscribers, $45 Affiliates (PwC Alumni and members of SDForum and SVASE), $50 Standard.
Official Website: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=138552
Added by FullCalendar on July 29, 2007