350 Bay Street - Suite 700
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2S6

If you are interested in developing web applications using the popular CodeIgniter PHP Framework, please join us this Sunday for a free introductory seminar.

This 2 hour seminar will cover the basic web application development concepts and the fundamentals of CodeIgniter. It is structured towards beginners, and is designed to get you started on development right away.

Topics include,
- Installing and configuring CodeIgniter
- Model/View/Controller (MVC) concept
- Creating forms (Create, Read, Update and Delete - CRUD)
- Storing information in a database
- Form validations
- Securing the application
and much more.

If you are interested, please email info@infinitech-studios.com to get more information. Otherwise... feel free to drop by on Sunday!

Venue: 350 Bay Street - Suite 700
Location: Toronto, ON, Canada
Date and time: April 11th, 2010 at 1pm
Rates: Free

Added by hasitha on April 4, 2010