Crooked Figure Dances in association with Volcano is pleased to present DESPAIR ?and other conundrums, featuring dance performances by Kate Alton, Danielle Baskerville, and Emma Lu Romerein, and theatrical readings by Ross Manson and Yanna McIntosh of short stories by award-winning novelist Andre Alexis. Andrew R. Miller accompanies on bass. These talented artists come together for a stirring program of magical realism, theatrical dance and a kiss to end all kisses. Crooked Figure Dances is the acclaimed Kate Alton?s new company, promising works that get to the heart of the matter. Don?t miss Despair ? and other conundrums May 4 to May 7 at the Theatre Centre, 1087 Queen Street West. For tickets call 416-538-0988 or order online at
Added by DW Communications on April 12, 2006