On Monday 17 May 2010 the fifth Design by Fire Café will take place. Design by Fire Café is an informal gathering for (interaction) designers organized by IxDA Nederland. Each café will feature a short, inspiring presentation as a starter for discussion and chat.
Collaboration in virtual 3D environments
At 'stichting L3D' students work on projects within virtual 3D environments. In these projects collaboration is essential. To encourage collaboration, a website has been developed where students can contact experts.
The website helps to add interactions to the virtual 3D environment.
Users get samples and have the ability to seek the assistance of expert students.
Lode's presentation will cover the design proces and user tests.
The session and subsequent discussion will dive into problems like the compensation for experts, the interaction between website & virtual environment and into the question when virtual environments make sense.
Lode Claassen is studying Interaction Design at the Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU) with this website as a graduation project.
A free entrance, buy your own drinks event. There are only 50 seats available. Please register at http://www.designbyfire.nl/cafe
The presentation will be in Dutch, drinks in any major language.
Visit http://www.designbyfire.nl/cafe or follow us at http://twitter.com/designbyfire for updates.
Added by Yohan Creemers on April 26, 2010
Yohan Creemers
Also on this night's program: Hugo van den Hurk (Coryfeeën) will give a short presentation to promote Kunstgras 2010, an event for creative entrepreneurs. http://www.kunstgras2010.nl