Desert Storm Special Ops Veteran D. Scott Wade will hold the
Premier Exhibition of his Photography and Artwork entitled, Birds Dont Shoot Back
Saturday May 3, 2008 at 6 PM- 11 PM
Birds dont shoot back, is a unique and poignant exhibit of art and photography created by Santa Cruz native D. Scott Wade. The show features photographs from his travels around the world, wildlife photography expeditions and drawings created while in the Navy. It is sure to be as moving to the viewer as it was therapeutic to the artist.
In addition to the artwork, he will also be premiering a unique paper media technique he created while on a U.S. Naval aircraft carrier. He ran out of his standard art paper while at sea and created a new media for his drawings using what was available to him.
Scott has always loved his home in the Santa Cruz mountains as well as the artisans he found scattered amongst the redwoods there. He enlisted in the Navy shortly after high school and served with Naval Intelligence for several years as a support for Navy Special Forces and also with the Military Police. He served with distinction in Kuwait, Iraq, and Somalia. After 10 years in the Navy, Scott received an honorable discharge and joined the Navy Reserve. However his civilian life was short-lived as he was soon recalled to active duty for another 2 years after the tragedy of 9/11.
He has traveled the world photographing Kings, Queens, Presidents and other World Leaders. During his experiences he has been witness to the horrors of war and death, the beauty of life and the many wonders or our world. Now Wade is using his photography and art to comfort the nightmares of his past experiences. As he puts it, Birds dont shoot back. Scott hopes people get as much enjoyment out of his photography and artwork as he receives from creating it.
Event submitted by on behalf of capitolagirls.
Added by queerqueensofqomedy on April 18, 2008