59800 S Highway 97
Bend, Oregon 97702

This summer, as you meet wild animals close up at the Desert Dwellers show, you will learn how they make their homes in the region's major habitats. As wildlife specialists introduce you to each animal, they will highlight High Desert ecological systems, from near-desert conditions in the low-elevation shrub steppe, through dry ponderosa pine forests, and rimrock and riparian zones. During the show, some of the animals you may see include Bonnie and Clyde, the badgers who demonstrate their amazing digging abilities, Q'will the porcupine, Daisy the skunk, Shasta the Swainson's hawk, barn owls George and Augie, a gopher snake and king snake. Discover how these animals have adapted to diverse environments. For example, find out what makes a rim rock habitat a perfect place for gopher snakes and rattlesnakes, and why ferruginous hawks are fond of the shrub steppe areas. Learn how these animals have adapted to their High Desert environments, what they eat, and how to react when you see them in the wild. As you encounter a Russian tortoise or Eastern box turtle, your guides will discuss species that don't belong here, and how they can disrupt ecosystems, causing damage to native plant and animal species.

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