Trinity Square
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1B1

Derrick Jensen asks the question “Do you believe this culture will undergo a voluntary transformation to a sane and sustainable way of living?” No one has ever answered ‘yes.’ What would happen if we listened to such feelings of despair? Could they tell us what we’re doing isn’t working and so we should try something else? What is that different strategy? Activist, small farmer, philosopher and teacher, Derrick Jensen is the author of Endgame, A Language OlderThan Words and The Culture of Make Believe. His speaking engagements pack university auditoriums, conferences and bookstores. ADMISSION: $10 or pay what you can. CO-SPONSORED BY: • Environmental Justice Organizing Initiative (EnJOI) • Phoenix Community Works Foundation • Sustainability Network. FOR MORE INFO: “BEYOND HOPE” Read Derrick Jensen’s article:

Added by thegreenpages on January 9, 2008