Advance tickets $12 at or
Spartacus Books
319 West Hastings, 2nd floor
People's Coop Bookstore
1391 Commercial Drive
A leading voice of uncompromising dissent, he regularly stirs auditoriums across North America with revolutionary spirit. For those concerned with Peak Oil, the state of the environment and the future of the world, this rare event should not be missed.
Hailed as the philosopher poet of the ecological movement, best-selling author Derrick Jensen returns with a passionate forecast of how industrial civilization, and the persistent and widespread violence it requires, is unsustainable. Jensen's intricate weaving together of history, philosophy, environmentalism, economics, literature and psychology has produced a powerful argument that demands attention in the tradition of such important books as Herbert Marcuse's Eros and Civilization and Brigid Brophy's Black Ship to Hell.
Listen to a talk given by Derrick Jensen in New York City on April 2006
Official Website:
Added by stimulator on September 19, 2007