Depot Street Art Show
TheDepot St. Art Festival is produced in the heart of downtownSalisbury, NCin a unique urban outdoor shopping and entertainment venue.
This major event anticipates drawing over 10,000 affluent art enthusiast over a GetaWay Weekend and is dedicated to celebrating and showcasingthe CulturalArts; honoring the diversity of the Arts; fostering and developing arts awareness, appreciation and education.
It will feature 120 to 200 visual artists producing representational and non-representational artwork in painting, sculpture, drawing, pastel, printmaking, jewelry, glass, ceramics, wood, photography, and mixed media.
Set on a picturesque street in front of a restored Historic Depot in the heart of Salisbury, this show is part of the Cultural Arts Festival. Expected to draw big crowds, this major Spring Event is being publicized and agressively promoted to demographic targets proven to support the Arts and Festivals.
Limited to 200 Artists
Artists must APPLY first to pre-qualify for registration.
Application is free. Reistration is $150 per space.
Juried by category with prizes.
If you are an Artist interested in showing, please use Artist Application ticket above and apply. If approved, you will register.
NO FOODVENDORS, please! The Festival is being Catered by Salisbury's finest to create an upscale, Museum quality enviroment. The show is outside and ajacent to Fountain Park.
The Park will feature aJazz Jam & Concert with Catered Food Festival all day Saturday. Then on Sunday there's a White House Lawn styleGourmet Picnic with a 15 piece Big Band all afternoon. All intended to spotlight your work and enhance sales.
Networking events are planed. Breakfast withe the Artists, Coctail Buffet Awards Dinner, Gallery Open Houses and Private Parties will abound. You will meet Authors, musicans, Gallery owners, Professors, Actors, from ascross the state in this SALISBURY CULTURAL ARTS FESTIVAL in the "Heart of the Arts".
Just click on the Artist Application ticket above.
Organized by Salisbury Cultural Arts FestivalTheDepot Street Art Festivalis a function of the Salisbury Rowan Cultural Arts Foundation [501(c)3 pending]. The Volunteers appreciate your interest and hope you enjoy this Event!
Salisbury Cultural Arts Festival - May 1-3 - GetAway Weekend- Juried Art Show,Literary Festival, Symphony Concert, BBQ Fest,Museum Tours, Big Band Picnic Concert, morewww.SCAFestival.com
Ticket Info: Artist Application, Free
Official Website: http://artfest09-upcoming.eventbrite.com