28 Westhampton Way
Richmond, Virginia 23173

Amina Gautier is the winner of the Flannery O'Connor Award for her short story collection At-Risk (University of Georgia Press). More than 65 of Gautier’s stories have been published, appearing in Best African American Fiction, Iowa Review, Kenyon Review, North American Review, and Southern Review among other places. Her work has been honored with scholarships and fellowships from Breadloaf Writer’s Conference, Ucross Residency, and Sewanee Writer's Conference and has been awarded the William Richey Prize, the Jack Dyer Award, the Schlafly Microfiction Award, the Danahy Fiction Prize, and a grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. Gautier teaches at DePaul University.

Official Website: http://english.richmond.edu/resources/writers-series.html

Added by richmondartsandsciences on August 29, 2011