1520 20th St
Denver, Colorado 80202

The SNUGGIE Pub Crawl is BACK!

Join us Saturday, March 27th from 3-11pm in Lodo for Denver’s 2nd Annual Snuggie Pub Crawl!

Nervous about wearing a Snuggie in public? Afraid you’ll look like a fool? Well you will. Because you’re wearing a Snuggie.

But you’ll be with 200+ other fools as we proudly wear this piece of cultural iconography – 2nd in awesomeness only to the revered Jams of the 80’s – as we stumble from bar to bar, spilling beer and dignity to and fro.

And this year we’ll offer more FREE beer, better SPECIALS, greater GIVEAWAYS, LIVE music, and more!

$21/person online before March 22nd
$25/person after March 22nd
$30/person at the door

Regrettably, we have to cap this year’s crawl at 250. Click below for online registration and payment.

Proceeds benefit the Colorado Chapter of the MS Society and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado - hey you could use the Karma points.

If you have any questions email DenverSnuggieCrawl@gmail.com

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=287426365417&ref=ts

Added by TedMorse on February 11, 2010

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