Demystifying New Internet Media: The Souk and the Supermarket (BUS 87)
Welcome to the brave new world of the Web where mass markets are being shattered into an infinite number of niches, where people are inventing new ways to share information, where newly-connected customers are getting smarter, and where communications between organizations and individuals are suddenly a two-way street.
Welcome to the World Wide Web, part chaotic, messy, and ever changing (the Souk) and part highly structured, measured and controlled (the Supermarket). Organizations and individuals need to understand this new realm and the varying possibilities it offers. This practical hands-on course examines some of the most exciting new tools of this new universe-blogs, podcasts, wikis, RSS, social networks, and search engine optimization, and more. Through lectures, discussions, readings, and guest speakers, the course will help students from a broad range of organizational backgrounds (both business and non profit) learn how to apply them most effectively.
Instructor: Robin Stavisky
Managing Partner, New Venture Marketing
Robin Stavisky received an MBA from Stanford and is managing partner of New Venture Marketing, which she founded more than twenty years ago. She provides strategic counsel to many high-growth companies, including Wind River Systems, Bell Labs, WIPRO, Walden Capital, DASAR (European and Asian Computer conferences), and LinkSV. For the past several years Stavisky has become an enthusiast of new Internet based technologies about which she writes and speaks.
$295, 6 weeks, 1 unit.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on February 25, 2007