The British government continues its uncritical support for George Bush, with foreign minister David Miliband echoing Bush’s claim that invading other people’s countries is not acceptable in the 21st century.
Their hypocrisy is staggering. The war on terror has been a failure, and the majority of people in Britain want the British troops out of both countries. Their view is matched by the majority of citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan, where high levels of violence, deaths, refugees and lack of basic facilities are all part of everyday life for millions. Despite all this, the US is stepping up its threats against Iran.
When he came to office, Gordon Brown promised to plan troop withdrawal from Iraq. He has reneged on that promise. We are demonstrating in Manchester to make clear we want to stop the war spreading and we want all the troops home now. We urge you to join us.
Assemble All Saints (Cavendish Street) at 12.30pm. Set off at 1pm.
Oxford Rd to the War Memorial in St Peters Square
Pause the march while Labour Party representatives receive STWC petition
Left down Lower Mosley St, by the side of the Conference venue at G Mex
Make a wall of noise, with pots & pans & drums etc - make sure they can hear us!
Right into Great Bridgewater Street under tunnel and past the Hilton Tower
Cross Deansgate to Liverpool Rd. Rice St
Castlefields arena for rally from 2pm. Download large scale map of route here (pdf).
Official Website:
Added by jamesdodd on September 10, 2008