The hour is upon us...............for another Delusions of Spandex show!
It is this Saturday October 27th, on the eve of the eve of the eve of the eve of the eve all Hallows Eve. Come and enjoy the sketch and character comedy, if you dare!
You will SCREAM with delight for these great comedy acts:
Dolan Morgan - Horrifically Hilarious!
Robin Cloud - Frightfully Funny!
The Impending Moustache - Ghoulishly Great!
The Straight Men - Superstitiously Silly!
Luke Thayer - Terrifyingly Terrific!
Abbi Crutchfield - Nightmarishly Nifty!
and as always, hosted by Phaea Crede and Becca Jones - Hideous and Gruesome!
Saturday, October 27th
The Parkside Lounge
317 E. Houston @ Attorney
Please feel free to bring your mummy!!
Official Website:
Added by beccajonesjr on October 23, 2007