2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar, Ca 92014
San Diego, California 92101

Now in it's 49th successful year, Calendar Antique Shows is proud to present 100,000 square feet of antiques, vintage collectibles and decorator items (Over 250 premier antique dealers from all over California & the Western United States). These exhibitors will be selling the finest in antiques & collectibles including all types of glass, pottery, paper ephemera, crystal, jewelry, art, silver, Americana, primitives, American & European furniture, and much more........
This April event will have a new look to it because Calendar Shows will be presenting the first annual Wild West Expo in conjunction with their famous Del Mar Antiques Show & Sale. The new show will celebrate everything in the Indian & Western genres including in the way of fashion, furniture, art, textiles, jewelry, and paper ephemera with some new design thrown in for good measure. Dealers are expected to come from all over to participate in this special event. Following the great success of the November Century of Style Design Show, Calendar Shows is sure that this new format will bring a new excitement to their long running shows at the fairgrounds.

Official Website: calendarshows.com

Added by gloriagerak on March 30, 2009

Interested 2