St. Thomas University School of Law
April 12-14, 2007
A three-day colloquium sponsored by the Center for Earth Jurisprudence,
a collaborative initiative of St. Thomas and Barry Universities
Explore the principles and implications of the emerging field of Earth Jurisprudence.
Earth Jurisprudence is an expansion of environmental law; it inquires into a wisdom and
basis of law that serves to enhance the health and well-being of the entire planet as well as
prepare lawyers for the unprecedented ecological impacts affecting multiple aspects of
law and governance as currently practiced throughout the dominant global cultures.
THURSDAY, April 12
Session 1, Moot Courtroom, St. Thomas Law School, Noon – 1:30 pm
CLE’s available
“Earth Jurisprudence and the Future of Law”
by keynote presenters Cormac Cullinan and Thomas Linzey
• Cormac Cullinan, director of Winstanley and Cullinan, Inc, a leading South African environmental law firm and author of
Wild Law: A Manifesto of Earth Justice, 2002, will introduce core principles of Earth Jurisprudence.
• Thomas Linzey, Esquire, co-founder of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania,
will speak to his direct experience in creating ordinances that provide legal rights for ecosystems and the natural world.
This session is free and open to the public. It will be teleconferenced to the Dwayne O Andreas Barry University
School of Law, Orlando, Florida. To register, complete attached form or contact Julissa Paneque-Martinez
at or 305-474-2488.
Session 2, Goldblum Conference Center, St. Thomas University, 1:30 – 5:30 pm
(Invited guests only)
“Defining the Field of Earth Jurisprudence”
1:30 Light lunch available in the Goldblum Conference Center
2:00 Introduction, Setting the Context Patricia Siemen, Director, Center for Earth Jurisprudence
2:10 Welcome Reverend Monsignor Franklin Casale, President, St. Thomas University
2:15 Greetings from Thomas Berry, PhD. Scholar Emeritus, Author, Mentor of CEJ
2:30 “The Great Jurisprudence and the Law” Cormac Cullinan
3:10 Buzz and Q & A with Cormac
3:20 “Earth Jurisprudence: Lessons from Indigenous Peoples” Liz Hosken
4:00 Buzz and Q & A with Liz
4:15 “Advancing the Rights of the Natural World” Thomas Linzey
4:55 Buzz and Q & A with Thomas
5:10 Discussion with each other and the speakers: What critique is emerging?
5:30 Closing
6:30 Reception at Don Shula’s Hotel and Gulf Club, Miami Lakes (dinner on one’s own)
This session is open to invited guests only and requires prior registration.
To register, see directions below or contact Julissa Paneque-Martinez at / 305-474-2488.
FRIDAY, April 13
Session 3, Bobcat Conference Room, St. Thomas University, 9 am – 4 pm
“Defining the Field and Claiming the Promise of Earth Jurisprudence”
This day is a consultation for law school faculty, administrators, student law review editors, members of
CEJ’s Governing Committee, and invited guests to explore the concepts of Earth Jurisprudence as a new
field of law, its intersections with other areas of law, and identification of some of the implications for
legal education and practice. Because of the conference configuration and newness of this emerging field
of law, there will be some overlap of concepts presented in the Thursday afternoon sessions.
9:00 Opening Comments and Ritual: Earth as Sacred Community Sr. Patricia Siemen, Director, CEJ
Sr. Margaret Galiardi, OP, CEJ Program Consultant
9:15 “History of Environmental Law” Professor Fred Light, STU
Interaction and Q & A with Fred
10:00 “Does EJ differ from environmental law?” Cormac Cullinan, EnAct International
Interaction and Q&A with Cormac
11:00 Break
11:30 “One Application of Earth Jurisprudence” Thomas Linzey & Richard Grossman, CELDF
Interaction and Q & A with Thomas and Richard
12:30 Lunch
1:30 “EJ and the Wisdom of Indigenous People” Liz Hosken, Gaia Foundation
Interaction and Q & A with Liz and Siegfried Professor Siegfried Wiessner, STU Law School
2:30 “What does “claiming the promise of EJ” mean for legal education?” Herman Greene and Sr. Pat
Presentation of key concepts used to develop the EJ Syllabus (copies available)
2:50 Interaction and response
3:15 Discussion groups: “So what? What does this mean for law schools?”
• What are the key concepts to be infused into curriculum?
• What needs to shift?
• What are some practical steps/implications?
• How do we support interested faculty
4:00 Closing
SATURDAY, April 14
Everglades Immersion, Ernest Coe Visitor Center, 7:30 am – 4 pm
“Connecting with the Natural World: Day of Mindful Immersion in the
Everglades National Park”
Open to public participation
6:15 am Depart from Don Shula’s Hotel, Miami Lakes, and drive to the Homestead Entrance to the
Everglades National Park, arriving at the Ernest Coe Visitor Center by 7:30 am.*
7:30 am Meet at the Ernest Coe Visitor Center. For those not leaving from the hotel, directions are
available at:** Naturalists Chris
Migliaccio and Brad Stocker will guide us. Sr. Margaret Galiardi will facilitate our intentional
“mindful” connecting with the unique beauty of the Everglades.
3:00 pm Visit to the Everglades Book Store and return home.
*For those staying at Shula’s Hotel, there is a transportation fee of $40 per person (includes a light
breakfast and lunch). Payment can be by cash or check, payable to the Center for Earth Jurisprudence/STU
upon registration.
**If traveling to the park on your own, there is no fee. Please arrive at the Ernest Coe Visitor Center by 7:30 am
and bring your own lunch. Pre-registration is required.
Register online: or print out PDF:
All participants will provide for their own accommodations and meals. Please indicate when registering if you
would like to take advantage of a special rate being offered at Shula's Hotel and Golf Club for $109, plus tax, per
night. RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE THROUGH CEJ, though payment will be handled individually
upon hotel checkout.
Each session must be registered for in advance.
Questions? Contact, CEJ Administrative Assistant, or visit
Center for Earth Jurisprudence - A Collaborative Initiative of Barry & St. Thomas Universities
St. Thomas University School of Law
16401 NW 37th Avenue
Miami Gardens, FL 33054
Official Website:
Added by greenermiami on March 30, 2007