Presented by New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA). The Pencil Project is a performance piece created by sound artists Martin Messier and Jacques Poulin-Denis. Their intention was to craft a live electronic music piece inspired by the physicality of writing and the imagery it articulates. Using computer technology, the performers translate scribbling, scratching, dotting and drawing with a pencil into music. Although a lot of programming, signal processing and design provide the backbone of this project, one of its main objectives is to keep the technology invisible. The most important aspect of The Pencil Project is the music itself. Using the proximity of contact microphones, an extensive range of sonorities and “sound gestures” is created. Note: Pencil Project performance will be repeated during May 28, 8 pm show. Wychwood Theatre, Artscape Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie St #176.
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Added by NAISA on April 21, 2010