Presented by New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA)
This year's Deep Wireless Ensemble includes writer and radio artist Gregory Whitehead, performance artist Shannon Cochrane, turntable artist Erik Laar (of insideamind), and actor and interdisciplinary artist Rebecca Singh who will present two different sets of performances (one each on the 28th and 29th) that each explore radio art as a live performance medium in the 21st century. May 28th also features a performance of The Pencil Project by Martin Messier and Jacques Poulin-Denis (imagine school desks becoming sound instruments!). Also included are works commissioned by CBC radio’s Living Out Loud by Andrea Dancer, Charlotte Scott, Steven Naylor and Andreas Kahre.
Wychwood Theatre, Artscape Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie St #176
Official Website:
Added by NAISA on April 21, 2010