What do you get when you combine a charismatic actress with a powerhouse voice, a multi-instrumentalist heartthrob-in-the-making and an introverted genius songwriter? You get Deep River. Deep River is Rachel Beauregard, Bryan Dawley, and Luke Brindley, a power-folk trio from Virginia who create their own brand of music they've termed "Front Porch Pop". It's a fluid, sonic experience combining elements of pop, folk, and blues with straight-up homegrown sass. Deep River will have you singing along, always wanting more, and leave you curious about how their hair manages to look so frickin' good all the time. Deep River releases their new album on Friday & Saturday, November 12 & 13. Enjoy the concert and then dance with the band at the party after the show!
Deep River. noun, verb.
[de(e)p rih-verrh]
1. a river in Iowa, Washington, North Carolina, or Western Australia
2. a song that is anonymous and of African American origin
3. a musical trio composed of semi-deep artists who together create a massively fluid, sonic experience combining elements of pop, folk, rock, blues, and straight-up sass - always leaving you wanting more and curious as to how their hair manages to look so damn good all the time.
1. to be in a state of musical bliss
2. to rock out without a drummer
3. to engage in philosophical songs about hope, love, and survival
4. to have epic dance parties after concerts
5. to never use the same guitar tuning twice
6. to sing along with the band many times during the course of a concert
contagious, indie, hipster, pig-latin, rose water, apple-pie, front porch, maple tree, medium-dark lager, cheery, evocative, home
creek, shallow, hipster, indie, lavender water, low-fat, dull, attic, intangible, alien, quartet, duo, bad hair-day
and not to be confused with...
The Deep River Boys from 1950's (there is most certainly a girl in this Deep River!), the Midwest's favorite waterpark http://www.facebook.com/#!/deepriverwaterpark, River Deep (which also happens to be 2 guys and a girl- but they're much older and have bad taste in sunglasses)
Official Website: http://www.jamminjava.com
Added by Jammin Java on July 6, 2010